Warren Harding Junior High School
Class of 1929

Warren Harding Junior High School

(now Warren G. Harding Middle School)
203 East Euclid Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 242-8445
Warren G. Harding Middle School District website

(for those who went to North High School)
Claradell Gergely Shedd
2313 Sahalee Drive East
Sammamish, WA 98074
(425) 868-0260
[email protected]

(or for those who went to East High School)
I need a contact person.

(or for those who went to Tech High School)
I need a contact person

Warren Harding Junior High - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from Warren Harding Broadcaster dated January 24, 1929 as those leaving
Warren Harding and an indication to which high school they are going
Anderson, Maxine/E Hannan, Joe/E Peterson, Lyle/E
Asman, Ethel June /N Harris, Harold Peterson, Olive/E
Barker, Zoe/N Heggen, William H., Jr./N Plummer, Russell Winston/N
Barnard, John/N Held, Florence Caroline/N Pomerantz, Eva/N
Barton, Lois/Boone Hiatt, Eugene/N Powell, Anna Martha/N
Beaman, Arthur/E House, Thomas Hamilton/N Powers, Ruby/E
Bierrum, Vera/E Huston, Robert Bernard/N Riggs, Edwin/N
Brinsmaid, Mary E./N Hutchins, Robert Dale Riley, Maurine/N
Brown, Gordon/N Johnson, Orlando/N Russell, Maxine Marie
Brown, Irene/N Jones, Priscilla/N Saunders, Joe/N
Buehaker, LeRoy Karp, Estelle V. Shaw, Granville C./N
Carlson, Esther/E Kenney, Merlin/N Sheldon, Josie G./N
Carter, Mary E. Mahaffa Ketman, Carol Kathryn/N Simmons, Robert/N
Child, Elizabeth/N Killenger, Anna/N Smith, Cyril Douglas/N
Clement, Allan Larson, L. Vincent /N Smith, Evelyn Marie/N
Coffman, Marian/N Lee, Rolla/N Smith, John/N
Conner, Bob/N Lenning, Carol Mareine Smith, Wayne
Davis, Dan/E Leseney, Don Findlay/N Spencer, Helen/E
Daymude, Elizabeth/E Lorey, Charles H./N Sterrett, Boyd/N
Dennis, Harry/N Markey, Katherine/N Stout, Vertrice Maxine/N
Dilliner, Rhea/E Matherly, Genevieve E./N Sutton, Thelma/E
Easter, Eugene/N McCullough, Charles W./N Tadt, Dean S.
Elder, Stewart Whitehill/N McGowan, Virginia/N Thomas, Millard/E
Evans, Robert Dean/N McKendrick, Dortha Blanche/N Thomas, Willard/N
Fairman, Marion/N Melone, Harold/N Thornton, William/E
Farr, Vail/E Meyers, Robert/N Tidrick, Bobbie Evans/N
Ferdig, Dorothy/N Miksell, Paul/N Tollanar, Myrtle/N
Foulkes, Edward/N Millslagle, Ralph/N VanDam, Martha J./N
Frost, Alberta May Mitchell, Ruby Ileen/N Wheaten, Joe/E
Fuller, Grace E./N Moore, Herbert/N Williams,Catherine Gayle/N
Fuller, Robert/E Morgan, Melvin/N Williams, Cecelia/N
Gordon, Jean/N Morton, Ida/N Wolf, Irene/E
Grove, Gerald/N Mossman, David/N Woodruff, Joe L./N
Hammer, Harry/E Parker, Dorothy/N Worden, Eugene Ralph/N
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High yearbook dated January, 1932 as those who attended Warren Harding
Asman, Ethel June /N Jones, Priscilla Riggs, Edwin
Buehaker, LeRoy Karp, Estelle V. Russell, Maxine Marie
Carter, Mary E. Mahaffa Ketman, Carol Kathryn Shaw, Granville C.
Clement, Allan Larson, L. Vincent Sheldon, Josie G.
Elder, Stewart W. Lenning, Carol Mareine Smith, Cyril Douglas
Evans, Robert Dean Leseney, Don Findlay Smith, Evelyn Marie
Frost, Alberta May Lorey, Charles H. Smith, Wayne
Fuller, Grace E. Matherly, Genevieve E. Stout, Vertrice Maxine
Gordon, Jean/N McCullough, Charles W. Tadt, Dean S.
Harris, Harold McKendrick, Dortha Blanche Tidrick, Bobbie Evans
Heggen, William H., Jr./N Mitchell, Ruby Ileen VanDam, Martha J.
Held, Florence Caroline/N Moore, Herbert/N Williams, Catherine G.
House, Thomas Hamilton/N Plummer, Russell Winston Woodruff, Joe L.
Huston, Robert Bernard Pomerantz, Eva Worden, Eugene Ralph
Hutchins, Robert Dale Powell, Anna Martha
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High yearbook dated June, 1932 as those who attended Warren Harding
Abel, Erma Frances Gambrel, Leo E. Olson, Evelyn Christine
Benson, Norma M. Gooding, Meredith C. Parlee, Brady
Blanchard, Adda Mae Grove, Gerald E. Pennington, Robert B.
Bogle, William Collier Guy, Martha Leona Pickell, Gwendolyn Marie
Boody, Dick W. Hawkins, Lorraine H. Porter, Herschel J.
Burgus, Homer A. Hicks, Donald K. Ruvane, Margaret L.
Butler, L. Dorene Holmes, Harry Schatz, Myron
Carr, Bob Hoffman, Albert J. Schroeder, Norma Georgia
Champlin, John H. Howard, Hazel Shaw, E. Mardelle
Chase, Russell E. Jared, E. Pauline Shepard, Marie Josephine
Child, Elizabeth Jarnagin, Louise V. Six, Marie B.
Cleveland, Richard R. Johns, Helen I. Smith, Mary Lou
Cooper, Vivian Jane Kempton, Cheryl Marie Southworth, Helen Marie
Corkham, Evelyn May Lawhead, Paul Henry Stenoish, Pauline Elizabeth
Davidson, Georgia Lewis, Doria A. Sterrett, Marvin D.
Davis, Walter F. Ludden, John B. Taylor, Deva Maude
Dengle, Bessie E. Meyer, Robert H. Tollenaar, Myrtle
Dildine, Salmeron F. Meyrat, Martha C. Uetz, Bob
Donahue, Thomas J. Miksell, Paul D. Underwood, Helene Amelia
Doran, Robert Edward Miller, Maxine Waitz, Mary Lou
Dunn, Mabel Marie Millslagle, Ralph L. Walker, Sheldon Allen
Ehrensing, Richard Charles Nelson, Vera Vivian Wallace, Robert R.
Evans, Betty Nemmers, Margaret Agnes Wheeler, James W.
Fideler, Verna Grace Neuhaus, Pauline White, Howard Marion
Francisco, Merel C.
Washington Irving Junior High - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High January, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Washington Irving
Abel, Margaret R. Fairless, Raymond Pharo, Marion
Anderson, Leola M. Foster, Kathryn L. Reaves, George B.
Annear, Paul R. Games, Myrtle Ricker, Vernon Ralph
Baker, Louise Johnson, Erma Lorene Riggle, Lorene I.

Barrett, Geraldine D.

Kimball, Margaret L. Smith, Martha J.
Breau, Evelynne Knight, Virginia Kathryn Sofen, Nora
Brewster, Herbert R. Laughead, Jessie May Spuzzello, Teresa
Carman, Anne E. McCombs, Dale E. Tatz, Blanche
Christian, Marjorie Malum, Donald N. Terrie, Arthur J.
Collins, Bill Mason, Julien Gilbert Tharp, Mary R.
Costello, Helen Patricia Montis, Ralph D. Twitchell, LeDema
Dawson, Mildred G. Nemirovsky, Rose Vernon, Dorothy M.
Eaton, Raymond Newby, Roberta Fern Votruba, Ruth Eleanor
Ellis, Eleanor C. Pearlman, Helen Celia Walther, Dale L.
Fairless, Clyde Perkins, Harlan
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High June, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Washington Irving
Allen, Mary Gertrude Hall, Virginia A. Renner, Emma Pauline
Arthurs, Monica Elaine Hawkins, Eileen Robison, David
Asarch, Jack Hodgson, Olive Rodine, Mary Louise
Ash, Cynthia W. Hoeye, Mary Louise Rosenburg, Gertrude Zeida
Barr, Aven Lee Holden, Lucylle Rubinson, Norton
Bassman, Matilda Tiby Hoos, Jane C. Sarchfield, Mary
Bentler, Rosamary Crane Hume, Lauren Jean Schaffer, Jerry
Bernstein, Mary Hume, Maxine M. Schmidt, Elizabeth G.
Bissig, Gladys A. Joyce, Kathryn M. Schwartz, Reuben
Boller, Bob Kinney, Marcella C. Sear, Helen E.
Branaum, Maurice Kinser, Helen Lucille Shaw, Howard E.
Brann, Mary Elizabeth Kramer, Charles E. Shostrom, Wayne L.
Brundage, Harvey William Landis, Henry H. Smith, Donald W.
Burchfield, Ferne L. Lawrence, Wilbur D. Spraker, Marybelle
Caldbeck, Robert William Marshall, Marcella Louise Spuzzello, Angeline M.
Clifford, Grace McDermott, Margaret E. Stevens, Charles J.
Cohen, Maurice M. McKeeman, Gilbert E. Stone, Evan H., Jr.
Davis, Phil W. Mann, Ruth E. Trawm, Violet
DeCarlo, Merrick M. Marks, Joseph Zelcer Vernon, Margaret E.
DeGan, Ruth G. Martinsen, Edward Arthur Wilkinson, Julia Anne
Devine, Louise Edna Marxer, Edward J. Willey, Harry B.
Dillon, Bruce A., Jr. Mastrofski, Bernerd Williams, Allison Jeanette
Emery, Edna M. Mayer, Frances I. Williams, Bernard Howell
Emery, Don Meline, Earl W. Williams, Elizabeth L.
Erb, Barbara Lorraine Merriman, Virginia Wirtz, Prudence C.
Erwin, Marion L. Mitchell, John P. Wright, Vance
Feik, Marian Ruth Munzenmaier, Margaret L. Yazman, Abe E.
Ferstenfeld, Adolph Northup, Audrey E. Young, Etha LaVonne
Fletcher, Kathryn Evalee Palatnick, Jennie Youngquist, Russell L.
Goodman, LaVerna F. Peterson, Haydon Yule, Foster C.
Greck, Nathan Poepping, Virginia B. Zarnow, Ralph Gerald
Guise, Benjamin I. Rauwolf, Roberta J.
Callanan Junior High - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High January, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Callanan
Kemming, Phyllis Thompson, Lee Jane Witmer, Helen G.
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High June, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Callanan
Riddle, Priscilla E.
Amos Hiatt Junior High - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High January, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Amos Hiatt
Kennedy, Nellie Josephine Rosen, Annabelle
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High June, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended Amos Hiatt
Copley, Laura Jean Townsend, Andrew F. Wray, Mildred Louise
Fairfield, Marguerite Beatrice
West High - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High January, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended West High
Bush, Mary Jane Norbury, Donald W.
Dudley, Quincy Lenora Robinson, Owen Edward
Dwyer, Frances Salter, Lillian
Gansehow, John Henry Sharon, Dorothy
Hoss, Helen J. Smith, R. Raymond
Johnson, Leonard L. Southers, Jerome
Kautz, George White, Irvin Lee
Mann, Virgil, L. Wilson, Loyd H.
McNeiley, Clara Mae
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High June, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended West High
Allen, Charles Irwin Lindquist, Ruby H.
Bell, Clara Gertrude McKinley, Louise N.
Campbell, Daisy A. Malson, Evelyn Mae
Campbell, Ethel Bernice Mitchell, Evelyn
Ganschow, Agnes A. Overton, William Melvin
Grund, Evelyn C. Patten, Ralston Euclid
Gude, Rosalind Gertrude Peaco, Josephine Mae
Haag, Lorraine Virginia Pearlman, Kathryn
Hays, Gladys M. Riley, Robert
Horne, Lewis D. Sands, Sidney
Ibson, Bob Thomas, J. Frederick
Irvin, J. Richard Tobin, Keith
Kenne, Catherine M. West, Dorothy
Keene, Lucille Anne Williamson, Chester Leo
Leonard, F. Cornelia Woodard, Harold C.
Lenz, Paul W.
Others - 1929
Graduates - January, 1929
Taken from North High January, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended as below
Graduate and School from which student entered North High
Allern, E. Dale Roosevelt
Barnhart, I. Beth Leon, IA
Blaylock, Mary Louise Newton, IA
Bohlender, Wallace Roosevelt
Brenner, Sidney J. Roosevelt
Briggs, Helen Ruth Roosevelt
Coffey, Eileen A. Greenfield High, IA
Duff, Anne C. St. Joseph Academy
Earl, Robert J. Fort Dodge High, IA
Goldenberg, Ethel E. Marshall High, Chicago, IL
Graef, Hugh Valley Junction
Hall, Jack Malcolm High
Jacobsen, Harold William Roosevelt
Miller, Lillian Clarinda High, IA
Miller, Robert A. Roosevelt
McLaughlin, Ruby Elizabeth Grant High, Cedar Rapids, IA
Park, Gwendolyn Althea Jamestown High
Perkins, Mary Ellingson Roosevelt
Plantz, Jack W. Riley School
Rehard, Lenore Beatrice East High
Reynolds, Carroll W. Johnston High
Shaeffer, Benjamin Storm Lake
Sheil, Richard Charles Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, MO
VanNest, Wayne H. Technical High, Omaha, NE
Woods, Mary Evelyn Nevada, MO High
Woods, Verly Ellis Dallas Consolidated
Graduate and School from which student entered (unknown)
Becker, Francis E.
Graduates - June, 1929
Taken from North High June, 1932 yearbook dated as those who attended as below
Graduate and School from which student entered North High
Benton, Robert Benton Fargo, ND
Aller, Goldie G. East High
Anderson, Aileen E. Roosevelt
Barker, Dempse C. Promise City
Brown, Ruth I. Woodrow Wilson
Clark, Margaret Ann Roosevelt
Correll, John M. East High
Craig, Eldon M. Oxford High
Curtiss, Mary Felicia Downs Community High
Denny, Doris E. Brookfield, MO
Ehlers, Helen L. Oak Park
Enabnit, Mayer Sterling Clemons, IA
Fagen, Robert O. Ogden High
Fawkes, Don G. Mason City High, IA
Fuller, Paul C. Norwalk Consolidated
Gibbons, Helen Marshalltown
Gifford, Sidney E. Scranton Consolidated
Goble, Betty West Waterloo
Godwin, Cora M. Stuart High
Grant, Robert Douglas North High, Minneapolis, MN
Grimes, Paul F. Leon High, IA
Hart, Donovan G. Roosevelt
Hartman, L. LaNelle Dexter High, IA
Hatch, Helen G. Ayrshire High
Hartshorn, Rachel M. Valley Junction
Hoffman, Louise St. Joseph Academy
Hunter, Basil J. Steele City High, NE
Hurlbert, Wanda Marguerite Roosevelt
Jackson, James Autry Violet Hill High, AR
Jackson, Louise St. Joseph Academy
Jepson, Eleanor Mae Lincoln High
Kiggins, Mary Jane Atlantic High
Landis, Sylvanus N. Beulah College, Upland, CA
Leggee, Betty Jane East High
Martin, Arline Romayne Parsons High, KS
Morris, Irene East High, Waterloo, IA
Nash, Alberta A. Nichols High
Ogden, Martha Ruth East High
Osborne, Frances Ann Roosevelt
Rhinehart, Roberta Jean East High
Ross, Conrad Tingley High, IA
Rushing, Lathan G. St. Louis, MO
Sanders, Ferne Lucille Grant High, NE
Savereid, Eva S. Huxley High, IA
Sheil, Marie C. St. Joseph Academy
Smith, Maxine I. East High
Smith, Melvin A. Altamont High, IA
Soltot, Mary L. Valley Junction
Spake, William Bob Marshalltown High, IA
Tawney, Elizabeth A. East High
Torrenga, Karl Eugene Westport High, Kansas City, MO
Tyler, Nita Rozene Oak Park High, IL
Walsh, John J. Des Moines Catholic
Ware, Helen Agnes Coggon High, IA
Whitaker, Ruby Mae Belmond High, IA
White, Homer W. Oak Park
Wise, Habel Morrison High, IL
Rohrer, Dorothy Vivian East High
Wishman, Ferne Ella Ankeny High, IA
Zarchy, Alex C. East High
Graduate and School from which student entered (unknown)
Eggers, Neal Robert
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
1st Row Mr. Snyder, Miss Bollwine, Miss Eddy, Miss Anderson, Mr. Russell, Miss Comiskey, Mrs. Tallman
2nd Row Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Hunter, Miss Hagen, Mr. Casady, Mr. Burnham, Mr. Rush, Mrs. Hagy
3rd Row Mr. Gray, Mr. Pratt, Miss Rittgers, Mr. Hosfelt, Mrs. Nelson, Mr. Whitlatch, Miss Forkner, Mr. Sterrett, Miss Dolliver, Mr. Iliff Shepherd
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
Class Presidents (1949)
1st Row X, Marlene Ward, Charlotte Norstrum, X, Vera Booten, X, Duane L. McIntyre, X
2nd Row Joe Van Arkel, Dick Smith, Barbara Anderson, Jo Ann Trisler, Sarah Olsan, Duane Moss, Ben Nefzger, Dick Porter, Robert Lee White?
Broadcaster Staff
(included students from the 1949, 1950, and 1951 classes)
1st Row Ann Lawdahl, Ileane Gnade, Carole Ledford, Jean Anderson, Grace Johnson, Jane North, Luann Spratt, Sondra McDole, Jackie McCracken
2nd Row Carolyn Downing, Jo Ann Dawson, Harriett Letington, Nancy Russell, Sarah Olsan, Mary Reid, Norma Olouson, Joyce Stevens, Norma Dungan, Joyce Bates
3rd Row Jerry Lou Thatcher, Wilma Thornton, Sherma Stevens, Jack McWilliams, Jerry Lass, Dick Onnen, Jim Bradley, Ruth Anne Beard, Lila Baumann
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue
(included students from the 1949, 1950, and 1951 classes)
1st Row Patricia Clair Holloway, Joan Dawson, Karol Jo Hubbart, Juanita Cubbage, Mary Papich, Wilma Thorton, Darrel Heckart, Nancy Stromberg, Larry Davidson, Luann Spratt, Jack McWilliams, Clarence French, Jerry Lass, Don Werner
2nd Row Mary West, Joyce Bates, Marlene Carlson, Mary Lou Frederick, Margery Swanson, Sherma Stevens, Pauline Kalor, Dorothy Weter, Marlene Winnick, Norma Dungan, Carole Boyce, Harriett Lettington, Nancy Russell, Carolyn Downing
3rd Row John Turner, Charles Venn, George Eldridge, Myra Keith, Kenneth Palmer, Wendell Hayden, Sari Mae Robertson, Don Clark, Bob Klisares, Billy Smith, Ruth Anne Beard, Joann Briggle
4th Row Karl Christensen, Jerry Erickson, Jim Bradley, Buddy Williams, Bob White, Duane Loy, Bob Range, Don Olsen, Dick Onnen, Bruce Nelsen, Loren Wigton, Kenneth Carley, Harry Mongar. Not pictured is Paul Upchurch.
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
North High Hall of Fame Inductees
North High Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
North High Wall of Honor (tribute to North High military)
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